Start Your Own Business Course Objectives
To enable participants to gain a strong understanding and confidence in all the key areas of concern for anyone who is starting up a new business.
Course format
One day tutor led course from 10:00 to 16:30
Course outline
Legal side
- Forming a company
- Consider Sole Trader and Partnership options
- Options for different types of companies
- Filing of company returns
- Role of a director and secretary
- Introduction to Intellectual Property Protection
Banks and Finance
- Introduction to business planning
- Opening a business bank account
- Merchant service providers
- Registering for VAT
- Tax implications
- Personal Financial planning as a business owner
- PAYE registration
Marketing and the internet
- Marketing
- Social Media Marketing /SEO
- Website
Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Introduction to finance, financial accounts, terminologies
- Overview of financial reporting products
- Sources of finance
Human Resources
- People management and being a boss
Benefits of the Course
- Greater confidence when taking bold steps of setting up a business
- Broad foundation of knowledge to assist in setting up the business
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