This is main international qualification for Microsoft Products issued by Microsoft. We are able to offer these exams because we are a Certified Microsoft Academy.
If you would like to take a Practice Exam before taking the official exam they can be purchased from us. Please contact us for details on for more information.
You can take exams for all MOS Exams and Expert level
Exam Bookings
You may book a single exam or multiples thereof either by calling the centre or booking on this webpage.
Exams take place at our centre at 32 Ludgate Hill, near St.Paul’s Cathedral in EC4.
In the online booking process you may enter ( in the comments box) which specific exam/s you wish to sit together with your preferred date and time for an exam; exams can be conducted between 10:00 and 18:00 on business days; please allow three business days at least in advance when requesting a date; if you need a date more urgently call the centre on 020 7248 8987.
MOS Exams and MOS Certification
On receipt of your booking we will e-mail you confirmation during business hours and send joining instructions.
This is the price of sitting a single exam at the centre, it does not include training or practice exams.
Although you set an exam date you can re-arrange with 24 hours notice and your access to an exam will be valid for three months from date of purchase.